A summary of all policies held by Monarch Personnel. Please contact us for more information about any of these policies.
1. Code of Conduct Policy
The purpose code of conduct is to highlight the responsibilities of all on-hired employees and contractors in terms of their personal conduct while working on a temporary assignment. Certain standards of behaviour are required from all on-hired employees and contractors in order to carry out their roles with efficiency, fairness, impartiality and integrity. Monarch Personnel expects on-hired employees and contractors demonstrate a high degree of professionalism punctuality, reliability and at all times, as they not only represent themselves but Monarch Personnel.
2. Privacy Policy
The National privacy laws now require Monarch Personnel to advise you that for us to assist you in our recruitment and selection process, we are required to collect, use and store personal and sensitive information directly from you if and when you complete one of our registration forms or submit any other information (such as your Resume and Referee data) in connection with your application for employment. With your permission we will disclose this information to any interested potential client(s), to whom we are promoting your skills and abilities for the purpose of employment, or relevant financial institutions for payroll purposes. The privacy policy is accessible here. If, at any time, you wish to correct, update or gain access to your information, you will have to contact the Privacy Officer at Monarch Personnel on 03 5831 5880.
3. Disciplinary Policy
Monarch Personnel have the right to dismiss an on-hired employee or contractor without notice for conduct that justifies instant dismissal. When an on-hired employee or contractor is outsourced to clients, the client supervisors are vested with Monarch Personnel responsibilities to discipline Monarch Personnel on-hired employees or contractors. On-hired employees and contractors must always conduct themselves in such a way that they abide by all company/host employer company policies and procedures. Some dismissable offences will be detailed throughout the induction process (the list is by no means exhaustive).
4. Discrimination and Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policies
Under the Equal Opportunity and Sex Discrimination Acts it is unlawful to discriminate, harass or sexually harass a person in the workplace. Monarch Personnel recognises it is every person’s right to attend work and to perform their duties without being subjected to any form of discrimination or harassment in any form. Monarch Personnel requires all on-hired employees/contractors not; engage in acts which constitute discrimination or harassment, to tolerate unacceptable behavior, to participate in and maintain any investigation and to immediately report incidents of unacceptable behaviour. Monarch Personnel have a responsibility to establish internal channels for redress available to on-hired employees and contractors. It is the responsibility of all levels of management, including supervisors, to ensure that proper standards of conduct, free from discrimination and harassment, are maintained at all times in the workplace. It is the responsibility of all on-hired employees and contractors to ensure that their behaviour does not create or condone circumstances that may allow or lead to discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment. Doing so may lead to disciplinary procedures.
5. Work Health and Safety Policy
Monarch Personnel is committed to protecting the health and safety of all of its workers, whether they are direct staff or on-hired employees/contractors. All employees and managers have a responsibility to take all reasonable care for their own health and safety and consider the health and safety of other people that may be affected by their actions or inactions. Monarch Personnel recognises its obligation when placing an on-hired employee or contractor onto a host employer/client site location and every attempt will be made to ensure that the site location complies with recognised WH&S standards.
On-hired employees/contractors must comply with WHS legislation and have a duty of care to their own health and safety and that of others affected by their actions, along with following safe practices and procedures as detailed or explained by management.
6. Rehabilitation and Return to Work Policy
Monarch Personnel will ensure that all injured workers are provided with the appropriate rehabilitation as soon as practicable after an accident or incident at the workplace. Monarch Personnel is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment minimizing any risks to the health and safety of its on-hired employees/contractors. On-hired employees and contractors must immediately report any work related illness or injury, near misses, issues or accidents to their onsite supervisor/manager and Monarch Personnel.
7. Smoke Free Environment Policy
Monarch Personnel have a commitment to a Smoke Free environment that applies to all staff and on-hired employees/contractors regardless of status, clients and visitors at all times. It is important that the appropriate site regulations are strictly adhered to by all on-hired employees/contractors “on-site”. In the absence of a Smoke Free Site policy, all on-hired employees/contractors are expected to follow this policy.
8. Staff Induction & Orientation Policy
Induction is an employee’s familiarisation and integration process, which extends over the initial employment period. It provides new on-hired employees and contractors with an understanding and appreciation of the inherent requirements of their jobs, the functions of their work area and of Monarch Personnel. Information of relevance includes local work conditions (working hours, location of rest rooms, eating facilities, transportation, safety etc): responsibilities, structure and functions of the work unit: conditions of service and appropriate training and development opportunities.
9. Emergency Management Policy
All on-hired employees/contractors are obligated to strictly follow the company and or any site regulations regarding emergency management procedures. Monarch Personnel will ensure that on-hired employees are advised of all site emergency and evacuation procedures if an on-site induction is completed. Otherwise, Monarch Personnel rely on the host employer advising on-hired employees/contractors, as part of their induction process of any emergency management procedures. In the event of a fire emergency these instructions cover the principles that shall be observed and are the minimum requirements in regard to procedures to be used for ensuring the safety of employees, buildings, contents and plant in connection with fire protection and prevention on work sites. Simply put, if you have been trained in the use of fire fighting appliances we would ask that you assist under the direction of the site warden. If you are not trained, follow the Emergency Management procedure of the company and or client site.
10. Housekeeping Policy
It is Monarch Personnel’s Policy that effective housekeeping arrangements are put in place and adhered to by all staff and on-hired employees/contractors. Good housekeeping means good business and to achieve this all employees are required to follow appropriate hygiene and sanitation policies at all times as well as a clear and orderly work area.
11. Drug and Alcohol Workplace Policy
Monarch Personnel are committed to providing a safe working environment for all staff and on-hired employees. The company recognises that the abuse of alcohol and drugs is a major problem facing society generally and as such accepts that these substances will, on occasion, impact on the workplace. While the company accepts an individual’s right to exercise their freedom of choice, it has identified that the use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace is a major Work Health and Safety risk factor. The consumption of or possession of alcohol and drugs in the workplace is prohibited. This means that alcohol cannot be consumed or drugs used at the workplace, nor can they be brought on to the premises (Unless under strict control of the employer i.e. prescription medication). Prior to commencing work, Monarch Personnel and or the client company must clear all medication. The client company may request random drug and alcohol testing if it is the client company policy.
12. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
Monarch Personnel is an equal opportunity employer and will provide equality in employment for all people seeking employment or currently employed. Monarch Personnel requires all staff and on-hired employees/contractors to not engage in acts which constitute discrimination or harassment, to treat all colleagues and customers with respect and professionalism, to not tolerate unacceptable behaviour, to participate in and maintain privacy during any investigation and to immediately report incidents of unacceptable behavior. Monarch Personnel will not condone and regards as unfair, all forms of unlawful discrimination, harassment or vicitmisation. All employees are legally responsible for their own discriminatory behaviour. Discriminatory actions may result in dismissal.
13. Confidentiality Policy
During the period of employment and for any time thereafter, all on-hired employees and contractors will not use or disclose any such confidential information to any other person, firm or corporation without the previous consent in writing of Monarch Personnel or their host employer/client. Information other than that generally published and available regarding Monarch Personnel’s or their client’s business, operations and systems, financial affairs and structures (i.e. “confidential information”) are of value to the company and are of a restricted and confidential nature. “Confidential information” that pertains to Monarch Personnel and their clients is deemed restricted and of a confidential nature. Upon the completion of an assignment, any hard or soft copies of information, access or swipe cards must be returned to the client or Monarch Personnel to return on their behalf.
14. Site Policy
Monarch Personnel are committed to the safety and well being of its staff, on-hired employees/contractors, clients, host employers and the public. On-hired employees and contractors must be compliant with all on site WH&S policies and procedures and ensure that lawful site instructions are followed. On-hired employees and contractors must be familiar with all site policies including First Aid, Accident Reporting, Use of Protective Equipment and Maintenance and Care of Equipment and ensure these are followed. This list is by no means exhaustive.
15. Payslips / Time and Wages Records Policy
Pay slips will be provided to all on-hired employees and contractors indicating the necessary details to coincide with the electronic transfer of funds into the nominated bank account. Timesheets must be submitted no later than 10 am Monday mornings for processing. Monarch Personnel do not accept the responsibility of on-hired employees/contractors timesheets, it is therefore the responsibility of the on-hired employee/contractor to ensure their timesheet has been submitted and received by Monarch Personnel.
16. Electronic Equipment Usage Policy
Monarch Personnel through the course of its business provides all direct employees (not on-hired employees) with the use of a personal computer linked to a central network with access to email and internet facilities to assist with business related activities. Monarch Personnel does not and will not condone any of its staff or on-hired employees/contractors either using the company’s or the client’s company computer system to disclose confidential information, transmit pornography, discriminate, sexually harass, victimise and/or vilify any person, corporation or business (PC’s, Internet Services and telephone system provided by the Company are not for personal use).